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中納兩國在航空航天領域交流推動低空經(jīng)濟與無人機產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展 ... ...

2024-5-15 10:09| 發(fā)布者:通用無人機網(wǎng)管理| 查看:368| 評論:0

摘要:2024年5月12日晚19:00,中國航空器擁有者及駕駛員協(xié)會常務理事、俄羅斯工程院訪問學者、中國社會科學院經(jīng)濟學博士唐榮寬先生,與中國駐納米比亞共和國大使伊萊亞喬治凱亞莫博士親切會晤交流。 ... ...







  China and Namibia Exchange in Aerospace Sector to Promote Development of Low-altitude Economy and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry

  On the evening of May 12, 2024 at 19:00, Mr. Tang Rongkuan, a member of the Executive Council of the Chinese Pilots and Owners Association, a visiting scholar of the Russian Academy of Engineering, and a Ph.D. in economics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, had a friendly meeting and exchange with Dr. Elias George Kayaamo, the Chinese ambassador to the Republic of Namibia.

  During the meeting, Dr. Tang gave a detailed introduction to the cutting-edge development of China's aerospace industry and the current and future prospects of China's drone industry. He stated that China's drone industry, especially civilian drones, has achieved significant results in technology research and development, production and manufacturing, and market applications, and is leading other countries around the world. The development of drone technology has accelerated the efficiency of traditional industries and profoundly promoted the overall development of the national economy. This year, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has proposed to vigorously develop the low-altitude economy, which also indicates that the development of the low-altitude economy is a global trend. In the future, China will continue to increase investment and promote the sustainable development of the drone industry with higher quality and efficiency.

  The Ambassador highly praised Dr. Tang's introduction and expressed that China and Namibia have many cooperative projects in the aerospace field, and hoped to further strengthen cooperation in the future. He specifically mentioned introducing China's drone industry technology development to Namibia's traditional industries, which he found very interesting.

  During the exchange, the Ambassador handed over his business card and hoped to have further in-depth exchanges at the Chinese Embassy in Namibia. Both parties agreed that such exchanges are of great significance for promoting cooperation between China and Namibia in the aerospace field and are expected to bring more opportunities for cooperation and business development.

  This meeting was an important exchange that has a positive role in promoting the cooperation between China and Namibia in the aerospace field. Both sides will continue to maintain close contact and lay a solid foundation for future cooperation."

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